Calisthenics Exercises in Dubai: Learn and Stay Healthy Forever

Whether you are a seasoned gym-goer or just starting your fitness journey, calisthenics exercises are perfect for you. Though the concept is old compared to the modern fitness regime, it’s beneficial for your overall strength and fitness.

As a form of strength training, calisthenics exercises use the resistance of your body and gravity to strengthen your muscles and improve your coordination, endurance, and mobility. It’s said that almost all common bodyweight exercises are calisthenics exercises.

For beginners, calisthenics exercises are the way to start the journey and for experienced fitness freaks, calisthenics exercises are the way to challenge their strengths.

Benefits of Calisthenics Exercises

  • Don’t require any equipment
  • Build serious strength
  • Help you move better
  • Help you maintain a proper form
  • Hit every single muscle for fitness
  • Gentle on joints and connective tissues
  • Improve brain-body connection

Calisthenics exercises for beginners and advanced people

For beginners:

  • Squats
  • Lunges
  • Bent and straight leg raises
  • Planks
  • Push-ups

For advanced :

  • Burpees
  • Pull-ups
  • Chin-ups
  • Handstands
  • L-sits

Come to Ishaq Kayiizi to learn Calisthenics Exercises in Dubai

Calisthenics exercises seem easy but they are not. So, don’t try them all by yourself. If you perform them wrong, you can harm your body and face serious, long-term consequences. We recommend starting with calisthenics exercises under the guidance of a personal trainer.

If you are in Dubai, no one can be better than Ishaq Kayiizi for learning calisthenics exercises. Whether it’s about calisthenics exercises for beginners or advanced players, Ishaq Kayiizi is the best for all. He knows how to handle people with different capabilities and fitness requirements. Most importantly, he treats every person differently and doesn’t follow a standard program for everyone.

Ishaq Kayiizi is an experienced, certified, and reputable trainer for calisthenics exercises in Dubai. He has gained immense popularity in Dubai as well as outside Dubai for his calisthenics training and smart fitness tips.

As a calisthenics trainer, Ishaq Kayiizi enjoys helping people realize what they are capable of and how to overcome any barriers along the way. With his knowledge and experience in the industry, he explores a wide variety of movements having a calisthenics foundation in them. He unlocks different moves and tries to redefine all the impossibilities during his practice sessions. Unlike other trainers, he defines easy calisthenics exercises for beginners in Dubai.

With Ishaq Kayiizi, calisthenics exercises will be easier than you expect. Also, your fitness journey will be perfect with good results.

To get a free online assessment and join Ishaq Kayiizi’s calisthenics exercises in Dubai, call us at +971 524787649 or email us at

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